Exciting news! I am changing schools and changing majors! Honestly I am so excited. I am really unhappy with where I am currently standing with school and how everything’s playing out. So the plan is to major in kinesiology and go to Purdue Lafayette university starting fall of 2022. I always wanted to go to Purdue university and the only reason why I stayed at Purdue northwest is because of health reasons and just wanting to get the academic part down before I got the social aspect of college. I am really unhappy with my major now which is biology because I’m not really enjoying what I’m learning and I feel in college you should get your classes two more things that you would enjoy learning. So I looked up and did a bunch of research on majors for what would work with what I want to be when I grow up, which is a physical therapist. I also went and met with a physical therapist who is actually the physical therapist that I had when I had surgery. He really inspired me to what I want to be when I grow up so I thought that he would give me the best advice possible. He just made me even more excited and more sure of my decision and now I know I won’t regret it and I’m very excited. I’m going to finish up at Purdue northwest with my biology major for the first year and then do the whole switch. It makes me really excited for my future and I’m really excited to gear my classes to more things that I want to learn about and that will benefit me when I go to physical therapy school.
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